East Hull

Marfleet Lane

The site is located in east Hull and is formed by an area of undeveloped land north of the BP Petrol filling station and existing housing and south of housing off Martin Close. West of the site is a public footpath and the Holderness Drain.

The Marfleet Lane proposals would provide five 2 bed 4 person two storey houses set back slightly into the site from Marfleet Lane itself with car parking to the front. Secure enclosed rear gardens would be provided for each home with gated access to a footpath to the rear connecting to a landscape buffer to the rear of the properties and the main tarmac footpath alongside Holderness Drain.

The central part of the site would incorporate a rain garden for surface water infiltration. Level changes between the homes and Marfleet Lane would assist in addressing flood risk requirements. Attractive soft landscaping would be provided to the front and rear of the new houses as shown on the proposed Site Layout Plan below.

A parking court is located to the front of the properties providing both designated and visitor parking.

The modern contemporary designed houses would sit well within the streetscene and surrounding urban context as shown below from the proposed streetscene view.

Further information on proposals

Hull City Council and their partners welcome all feedback and comments which can be provided below after answering some questions about the proposals.

If you have a further query you can contact us by email on consultations@idplanning.co.uk

For any feedback please use the form below