East Hull

Campbell Court

The site is located in east Hull with access off Exeter Grove, to the west of the Holderness Drain. Aside from the access road off Exeter Grove, the site is surrounded by housing with existing gardens backing onto the site.

The proposal would provide seventeen new 2 Bed 3 person bungalows.

The proposed layout uses the existing access off Exeter Grove to serve the proposed development with generous areas of green space and soft landscaping integrated into the overall design. Immediately north upon entering the site is a landscaped area providing general amenity space whilst also providing for part of the proposed drainage solution for the site.

Rear gardens will back onto other rear gardens whilst ensuring an appropriate distance is maintained between the rear elevation of existing and proposed properties, maintaining the privacy of residents.

Car parking is provided off the central access road with some of the roadway to be adopted and some areas treated as private drives.

The design of the properties would provide a modern, attractive and high quality development adding to the choice of housing in the area to meet local needs. A proposed typical streetscene is provided below.

Further information on proposals

Hull City Council and their partners welcome all feedback and comments which can be provided below after answering some questions about the proposals.

If you have a further query you can contact us by email on consultations@idplanning.co.uk

For any feedback please use the form below